Morgan Fraser Group Limited

What Are The Benefits of Volunteering in Technology?

December 5th 2023 showcases International Volunteers Day. This special day recognises the efforts of volunteers in transforming society, our economy and even our environment. Experts feel that if everyone volunteered, the world would be a better place. With this in mind, volunteering holds great value in the movement towards peace.

It has been predicted that around 11 million people in the UK are offered paid time off to volunteer, but sadly only 17% of this gets used. If it was all used then around £1 billion worth of support would go to deserving causes.

The Positives of Volunteering in General

Volunteering England believes that volunteering is excellent for your health and could even expand your life. On top of this, volunteering also has a positive social impact, benefiting the community, the individual and the business. The UK government have promised a new law which requires businesses with over 250 employees to offer their employees up to three days of paid leave each year to spend volunteering. Despite this, only around 17% of these days are being used across the country.

Volunteering in Technology

There is a growing demand for individuals who can combine digital skills with business, leadership and communication skills. In the UK, nearly 1.5 million digital professionals will be needed over the next five years. Over 90% of tech organisations feel that the digital skills gap has a direct negative impact on their organisation. Digital skills development is growing in demand and becoming a priority for employers. This is why more and more people need to volunteer in the technology sector.

How can volunteering in technology be beneficial?

Volunteering can help you stand out when looking for employment. As a newbie in tech, volunteering can look fantastic on your CV. With this in mind, you are 25% more likely to be chosen by hiring managers if you have volunteering experience on your CV compared to if you do not.

Volunteering can provide you with the opportunity to expand your network of connections and get your name out there in the technology sector. This could open up an array of different opportunities for your future. In addition, volunteering in tech can support a young person’s digital skills development. This could enhance their portfolio, motivate different career stages and inspire them with new knowledge to make use of in their career. The technology sector has a special opportunity to help build resilience in a valuable industry.

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